Are you 26 and having trouble finding health insurance? Tell us.

A hard-won provision of the Affordable Care Act allows young adults to remain on their family’s insurance until age 26. But after that, those without employer-based insurance face a series of complicated choices, including whether to shop around on insurance exchanges, apply for Medicaid, or take their chances and go uninsured.

Are you a young adult confused about how to navigate the exchanges used to choose plans? Did you buy a plan on an ACA exchange and find out it didn't cover care? Did you get married or take a job just to get insurance? Did you decide you didn't want coverage?

Whatever your story, my team of reporters and I want to hear it. I am a longtime health journalist who has worked at both The New York Times and KFF Health News, an independent news organization that covers health policy.

We will read every response to this questionnaire and contact you if we want to know more about your story. We will not publish any part of your response without first contacting you, verifying your information, and receiving a response from you. And I will not use your contact information for any reason other than to contact you.

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