In a region "already on fire", analysts say, the rebels' advance towards Damascus is a barometer of the changing power dynamics also affecting nations such as Iran, Turkey, Russia and the United States.
The new federal rules require testing of dairy farmers' unpasteurized milk and that farm owners provide details that would help officials more easily identify and track cases.
Government forces are said to be sending more troops to reinforce their most crucial strongholds, including Damascus, the capital, and the main city of Homs.
The dizzying craze for non-fungible tokens has brought the cryptocurrency public to art auctions. Now, long after the bubble burst, some still believe it.
Gauging the Court's final direction was complicated by the silence of a conservative majority justice, Neil M. Gorsuch, the author of a key case on employment discrimination. The court's decision is expected by June.
A family fled carrying a 9-year-old girl on their back for hours. Sisters with visual impairments called for help as Israeli air strikes fell. “It's a nightmare,” said one wheelchair user.
The Republican speaker retained control of the House but will preside over an even smaller majority at a time when President-elect Donald J. Trump will need his help to achieve important agenda items.