
The death of pilgrims in Mecca puts the underworld Hajj industry in the spotlight

The death of pilgrims in Mecca puts the underworld Hajj industry in the spotlight

More than 1,300 people died during the Islamic hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia this month, the vast majority of whom the Saudi government said did not have permission. Many walked for miles in the scorching heat after paying thousands of dollars to illicit tour operators.While pilgrims with permits are transported around the holy city of Mecca in air-conditioned buses and rest in air-conditioned tents, unregistered ones are often exposed to the elements. In recent days, when temperatures soared above 120 degrees, some pilgrims described seeing people fainting and passing bodies in the street.In an interview on state television on Sunday, Saudi Health Minister Fahd al-Jalajel said 83% of the 1,301 reported deaths involved pilgrims without permits.“The rising temperatures during the Hajj s...
Cancer kills millions of dogs.  Will immunotherapy prolong their lives?

Cancer kills millions of dogs. Will immunotherapy prolong their lives?

Immunotherapy has transformed cancer treatment. It tinkeres with the immune system to attack malignant tumors that have evaded the body's natural defenses. This advancement offers an alternative to treating cancer with surgery or chemotherapy and radiation, which can attack healthy tissue and cause extreme side effects.The treatment is not only scientifically complex but also expensive. The investment of time and money makes sense when it comes to saving humans. But what about when it comes to dogs?Dr. Hans Klingemann has worked and researched cancer immunotherapy for decades, leading departments at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Now he is the chief scientific officer of cellular products at ImmunityBio, which develops immunotherapy d...
Armed men attack synagogues and churches in the Russian Republic

Armed men attack synagogues and churches in the Russian Republic

Gunmen attacked synagogues and churches in two southern Russian cities on Sunday, killing several police officers and a priest, in an apparently coordinated attack that underlined Russia's vulnerability to extremist violence.Officials said six of the gunmen were killed after shootings in two cities, Makhachkala and Derbent, in the Muslim-majority Dagestan region on the Caspian Sea. Armed with rifles and Molotov cocktails, they attacked a synagogue and a church in each of the two cities, according to authorities and religious organizations.Sergei Melikov, governor of Dagestan, described the attack as the latest attack "on our brotherhood, on our multi-ethnic unity." The precise death toll was not immediately clear. Melikov said that "more than 15 police officers were victims of today&...
What the arrival of phones and computers equipped with artificial intelligence means for our data

What the arrival of phones and computers equipped with artificial intelligence means for our data

Apple, Microsoft and Google are heralding a new era of what they describe as artificially intelligent smartphones and computers. The devices, they say, will automate tasks such as editing photos and wishing a friend a happy birthday.But for this to work, these companies need something from you: more data.In this new paradigm, your Windows computer will take a screenshot of everything you do every few seconds. An iPhone will combine information from many apps you use. And an Android phone can listen to a call in real time to alert you to a scam.Is this information you are willing to share?This change has significant implications for our privacy. To provide new tailored services, companies and their devices need more persistent and intimate access to our data than before. In the past, t...
The Israeli army says troops tied a wounded Palestinian to a vehicle

The Israeli army says troops tied a wounded Palestinian to a vehicle

Israeli troops tied a wounded Palestinian to the roof of a military vehicle on Saturday morning during an operation in the occupied West Bank, a scene that was captured on video and quickly went viral, sparking outrage and promises of an investigation by of the Israeli army.Israeli soldiers raided Wadi Burqin, a Palestinian town on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Jenin, on Saturday morning to arrest Palestinians suspected of involvement in militant groups. Jenin, a long-time stronghold of loosely organized armed groups, has suffered repeated crackdowns by the Israeli army in recent months.A firefight broke out between Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers, the military said. Israeli troops arrested a Palestinian wounded in the shooting. The man's family later identified ...
L’uomo che ammorbidisce il terreno per una Germania estremista

L’uomo che ammorbidisce il terreno per una Germania estremista

Dal piccolo palco di un pub in una cittadina boscosa della Germania orientale, l’ideologo di destra Björn Höcke ha intrattenuto una folla di seguaci alla fine dello scorso anno con la storia del suo imminente processo. È stato accusato di aver detto “Tutto per la Germania” durante una manifestazione politica, infrangendo le leggi tedesche che vietano di pronunciare slogan nazisti.Nonostante l'avvicinarsi della data in tribunale, guardò la folla e fece loro un sorriso malizioso. "Tutto per?" chiese."Germania!" gridarono.Dopo un decennio trascorso a testare i confini del discorso politico in Germania, il signor Höcke, leader del partito Alternativa per la Germania, o AfD, non ha più avuto bisogno di oltrepassare i limiti da solo. La folla lo ha fatto per lui.Quel momento chiarisce p...
How pet care became big business

How pet care became big business

Heather Massey took Ladybird to the vet when the 9-year-old mutt he began to have convulsions. A scan from an MRI machine revealed some bad news: brain cancer.Given the poor prognosis, Ms. Massey decided not to undergo further treatment at the animal hospital near her home in Athens, Georgia, and Ladybird died four months later. Her MRI scan and related care had cost nearly $2,000, which Ms. Massey had put on a special credit card that she had learned about during an earlier veterinary visit.This was in 2018. He is still paying off the debt, with over 30% interest.“Could I afford to do this? Not really,” said Ms. Massey, 52, who is disabled and doesn't work. “Was it worth it for me? YES."Ms. Massey's experience illustrates the new, expensive realities of owning a pet. For dec...
Many Israelis blame Hamas for Gaza's suffering and have little sympathy

Many Israelis blame Hamas for Gaza's suffering and have little sympathy

The southern Israeli town of Netivot, a working-class center for mystical rabbis about 10 miles from the Gaza border, escaped the worst of the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack, a stroke of luck that many residents attribute to miraculous intervention of the Jewish sages buried here.However, many here appear to show little concern for the suffering of Palestinian civilians – practically neighbors – across the Gaza fence.Michael Zigdon, who runs a small food shack in the dilapidated Netivot market and had employed two Gazan men until the attack, expressed little sympathy for Gazans, who have endured a ferocious Israeli military attack for the past eight months.“Who wants this war and who doesn't?” Mr. Zigdon said, as he wiped up red food coloring that had spilled from a crushed ice drink dispens...
What to do if you're overpaying for prescriptions

What to do if you're overpaying for prescriptions

If you've ever had trouble getting a prescription drug, chances are you've come across a pharmacy benefits manager.These companies, known as PBMs, play a crucial but often hidden role in deciding which drugs you can get and how much you will personally pay. They are middlemen in America's maddeningly complex healthcare system, working on behalf of employers or government insurance programs like Medicare, which covers most prescription drug costs.The PBM's job is to save money on drugs. But the New York Times found that the three largest PBMs often overcharge you.Here's what to know about your PBM and how to find out if you're being overcharged.How do I know which PBM I have?Most Americans rely on one of the big three PBMs: CVS Caremark, Express Scripts, or Optum R...