
Dutch Olympic organizers defend participation of athlete convicted of rape

Dutch Olympic organizers defend participation of athlete convicted of rape

The Dutch Volleyball Association and Dutch Olympic organizers stand by their decision to send a convicted rape victim to the Paris Olympics this summer to represent the Netherlands in beach volleyball.In 2014, the man, Steven van de Velde, now 29, traveled to England, where he raped a 12-year-old girl he had met on Facebook. A British court sentenced him in 2016 to four years in prison. After a year he was transferred to the Netherlands, where his sentence was modified according to Dutch law. In total, Mr van de Velde spent just over a year in prison.She later received professional psychological help, the volleyball association said.The Dutch Olympic Committee and the Dutch Volleyball Association are allowing Mr. van de Velde to compete based on the advice of experts who they say deemed...
AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile Customers Affected by Service Outage in Europe

AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile Customers Affected by Service Outage in Europe

Many travelers from the United States have lost a vital tool for navigating maps, making reservations, using ride-hailing apps and more because of a cellular data outage that began affecting AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon customers on Wednesday.Affected travelers, especially in Europe, posted on social media, seeking answers about what caused the outage and how long it would last. Some reported being unable to make phone calls, send text messages or use online services without Wi-Fi for 24 hours. It’s unclear what caused the outage, which appears to stretch from Britain to Turkey.An AT&T spokeswoman said the carrier’s network was operating normally, but that some customers traveling internationally may experience service disruptions due to an issue outside of AT&T’s network. The company said i...
CS2 Skins, Items ve Inventory API ile Üst Düzey Envanter Yönetimi

CS2 Skins, Items ve Inventory API ile Üst Düzey Envanter Yönetimi

Günümüzde oyun içi ögeler ve envanter yönetimi, oyuncular için büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Özellikle Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) gibi popüler oyunlarda, envanter yönetimi, oyun deneyimini doğrudan etkileyen kritik bir faktördür. Bu makalede, cs2 skins api, cs2 items api ve cs2 inventory api kullanarak envanterlerinizi nasıl en iyi şekilde yönetebileceğinizi anlatacağız. CS2 Skins API ile Skin Yönetimi CS2 Skins API, oyuncuların oyun içi skin'lerini detaylı bir şekilde incelemelerine ve yönetmelerine olanak tanır. Bu API sayesinde, sahip olduğunuz skin'lerin değerlerini, nadirlik durumlarını ve diğer özelliklerini kolayca takip edebilirsiniz. Özellikle ticaret yapmak isteyen oyuncular için, skin'lerin güncel piyasa değerlerini bilmek büyük bir avantaj sağlar. SteamWebAPI.com'un sunduğu CS...
Reformist Masoud Pezeshkian hits the ballot in Iran's presidential election

Reformist Masoud Pezeshkian hits the ballot in Iran's presidential election

A reformist candidate critical of many Iranian government policies, including the mandatory veil law, will compete next week against a hardline conservative in a runoff for the country's presidency, Iran's Interior Ministry announced Saturday. The runoff follows a special vote called after the death last month of the previous leader, Ebrahim Raisi, in a helicopter crash. A second round of voting, pitting reformist Masoud Pezeshkian against Saeed Jalili, an ultra-conservative former nuclear negotiator, will take place on July 5. The runoff was partly the result of low voter turnout and a field of three major candidates, two of whom competed for the Conservative vote. Iranian law requires that a winner receive more than 50 percent of all votes cast.A majority of Iranians, 60 perce...
Your holographic doctor will visit you now

Your holographic doctor will visit you now

A patient walks into a hospital room, sits down, and starts talking to a doctor. Only in this case, the doctor is a hologram.It may sound like science fiction, but it’s reality for some patients at Crescent Regional Hospital in Lancaster, Texas.In May, the hospital group began offering patients the ability to see their doctor remotely as a hologram through a partnership with Holoconnects, a digital technology company based in the Netherlands.Each Holobox — the company's name for its 440-pound, 7-foot-tall device that displays a highly realistic 3D live video of a person on a screen — costs $42,000, with an additional $1,900 annual service fee.The high-quality image gives the patient the sensation that a doctor is sitting inside the box, when in reality the doctor is miles away looking ...
A desire on all sides to move forward gives Julian Assange freedom

A desire on all sides to move forward gives Julian Assange freedom

As negotiations to end the long-running legal tussle between WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the United States reached a critical point this spring, prosecutors presented his lawyers with a choice so crazy that one person involved thought it it sounded like a Monty Python joke. movie.“Guam or Saipan?”It was no joke. He had been told that his path to freedom would pass through one of the two American islands in the blue expanse of the Pacific Ocean.Mr. Assange, who feared lifelong imprisonment in the United States, had long insisted on a condition of any plea deal: never to set foot in the country. The U.S. government, in turn, had required Mr. Assange to plead guilty to a felony for violating the Espionage Act, which required him to appear before a federal judge.In April, a lawyer fo...
Eskişehir Haber: Şehrin Güncel Gündemi ve Önemi

Eskişehir Haber: Şehrin Güncel Gündemi ve Önemi

Eskişehir, tarihi zenginliği ve kültürel çeşitliliğiyle Türkiye'nin önemli şehirlerinden biridir. Her gün yaşanan olaylar ve gelişmeler, Eskişehir Haber sitesi üzerinden okuyucularla buluşuyor. Bu yazıda, şehrin güncel haberlerini ve Eskişehir Haber sitesinin önemini detaylı bir şekilde ele alacağız. Eskişehir'in Tarihi Mirası: Kültürel Zenginlikler Eskişehir, Anadolu'nun önemli medeniyetlerine ev sahipliği yapmış bir şehirdir. Phrygler'den Osmanlı'ya kadar uzanan tarihi mirası, müzeler ve tarihi yapılarla günümüze taşınmıştır. Eskişehir Haber sitesi, bu zenginlikleri okuyucularına aktararak şehrin kültürel dokusunu canlı tutmayı hedefler. Eskişehir'de Eğitim ve Öğrenci Hayatı: Üniversite Şehri Olma Özelliği Anadolu Üniversitesi'nin bulunduğu Eskişehir, genç nüfusu ve eğitim ol...
Facial recognition has led to wrongful arrests. So Detroit is making changes.

Facial recognition has led to wrongful arrests. So Detroit is making changes.

In January 2020, Robert Williams spent 30 hours in a Detroit jail because facial recognition technology suggested he was a criminal. The match was wrong, and Mr. Williams sued.On Friday, as part of a legal settlement over his wrongful arrest, Mr. Williams won a commitment from the Detroit Police Department to do better. The city adopted new rules for police use of facial recognition technology that the American Civil Liberties Union, which represented Mr. Williams, said should become the new national standard.“Hopefully it moves the needle in the right direction,” Williams said.Mr. Williams was the first known person to be wrongfully arrested because of facial recognition errors. But he wasn’t the last. Detroit police have arrested at least two other people following botched facial recogni...
Candidates for the presidency of Iran: who are they?

Candidates for the presidency of Iran: who are they?

A heart surgeon, a former mayor of Tehran and a cleric implicated in the execution of political prisoners are among six candidates approved by authorities to run in Iran's elections on Friday to replace the president who died in a helicopter crash last month.The candidates have renounced the hijab requirement in Iran. They have addressed U.S. sanctions that have contributed to the country's economic crisis and have openly criticized the government during a series of debates, an unusual move in Iranian politics. However, voter apathy in the country is high and divisions among conservative leaders make the outcome difficult to predict.Although Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, has final authority over major state matters, the president sets domestic policy and can influence fo...
Biden administration opposes surgery for transgender minors

Biden administration opposes surgery for transgender minors

The Biden administration said this week that it opposes gender-affirming surgery on minors, the most outspoken statement yet on the issue from a president who has been a vocal supporter of transgender rights.The White House announcement was sent to the New York Times on Wednesday in response to a report that staff in the office of Adm. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, had solicited an influential international organization to Transgender health remove minimum age for surgery from treatment guidelines for minors.The interim guidelines would have lowered the minimum age limits to 14 for hormone treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgery, and 17 for genital surgery or hysterectomies. The final guidelines, rel...